is a custom hook used to provide radio functionality, as well as
state and focus management to custom radio components when using it.
import { useRadio } from '@fluidtruck/core'
Return value#
The useRadio
hook returns following props
Name | Type | Description |
state | RadioState | An object that contains all props defining the current state of a radio. |
getRadioProps | PropGetter | A function to get the props of the radio. |
getInputProps | PropGetter | A function to get the props of the input field. |
getLabelProps | PropGetter | A function to get the props of the radio label. |
getRootProps | PropGetter | A function to get the props of the radio root. |
htmlProps | {} | An object with all htmlProps. |
function Example() {const CustomRadio = (props) => {const { image, ...radioProps } = propsconst { state, getInputProps, getRadioProps, htmlProps, getLabelProps } =useRadio(radioProps)return (<chakra.label {...htmlProps} cursor='pointer'><input {...getInputProps({})} hidden /><Box{...getRadioProps()}bg={state.isChecked ? 'green.200' : 'transparent'}w={12}p={1}rounded='full'><Image src={image} rounded='full' {...getLabelProps()} /></Box></chakra.label>)}return (<div><CustomRadio image={''} /></div>)}
The useRadio
hook accepts an object with the following properties: