is a custom hook used to manage a boolean value with on
, off
and toggle
import { useBoolean } from '@fluidtruck/core'
Return value#
The useBoolean
hook returns a stateful boolean value and an object with the
following function to update it:
Name | Type | Description |
on | () => void | A function to set the boolean value to true . |
off | () => void | A function to set the boolean value to false . |
toggle | () => void | A function to negate the boolean state. |
Usage of toggle method#
function Example() {const [flag, setFlag] = useBoolean()return (<><p>Boolean state: {flag.toString()}</p><button onClick={setFlag.toggle}>Click me to toggle the boolean value</button></>)}
Usage of on and off methods#
function Example() {const [flag, setFlag] = useBoolean()return (<div onMouseEnter={setFlag.on} onMouseLeave={}>{flag ? 'The flag is ON!' : 'Hover me to turn ON'}</div>)}
The hook useBoolean
accepts the initial boolean value, by default is false