is a custom hook used to provide checkbox functionality, as well
as state and focus management to custom checkbox components when using it.
import { useCheckbox } from '@fluidtruck/core'
Return value#
The useCheckbox
hook returns following props
Name | Type | Description |
state | CheckboxState | An object that contains all props defining the current state of a checkbox. |
getCheckboxProps | PropGetter | A function to get the props of the checkbox. |
getInputProps | PropGetter | A function to get the props of the input field. |
getLabelProps | PropGetter | A function to get the props of the checkbox label. |
htmlProps | {} | An object with all htmlProps. |
function Example() {const CustomCheckbox = (props) => {const { state, getCheckboxProps, getInputProps, getLabelProps, htmlProps } =useCheckbox(props)return (<chakra.labeldisplay='flex'flexDirection='row'alignItems='center'gridColumnGap={2}maxW='36'bg='green.50'border='1px solid'borderColor='green.500'rounded='lg'px={3}py={1}cursor='pointer'{...htmlProps}><input {...getInputProps()} hidden /><FlexalignItems='center'justifyContent='center'border='2px solid'borderColor='green.500'w={4}h={4}{...getCheckboxProps()}>{state.isChecked && <Box w={2} h={2} bg='green.500' />}</Flex><Text color="gray.700" {...getLabelProps()}>Click me</Text></chakra.label>)}return (<div><CustomCheckbox /></div>)}
The useCheckbox
hook accepts an object with the following properties: