Chakra Factory
Chakra factory serves as an object of chakra enabled JSX elements, and also a function that can be used to enable custom component receive chakra's style props.
import { chakra } from '@fluidtruck/core'
Chakra JSX Elements#
Create base html elements with theme-aware style props using chakra.<element>
notation. For example, if you want a plain html button with ability to pass
chakra styles, you can write <chakra.button />
<chakra.buttonpx='3'py='2'bg='green.200'rounded='md'_hover={{ bg: 'green.300' }}>Click me</chakra.button>
This reduces the need to create custom component wrappers and name them. This syntax is available for common html elements. See the reference for the full list of elements supported.
<chakra.h1 fontSize='lg'> Heading </chakra.h1>
Chakra factory function#
This is a function that converts non-chakra components or jsx element to chakra-enabled components so you can pass style props to them.
Consider a package called react-input-autoresize
, let's use the chakra factory
function to make possible to pass style props.
The function will infer the prop types from the wrapped component and also add chakra style props.
import { chakra } from '@fluidtruck/core'import Textarea from 'react-input-autoresize'const AutoResizeInput = chakra(Textarea)function Example() {return <AutoResizeInput bg='red.200' fontSize='12px' />}
Considering that Chakra uses
under the hood, ensure the non-chakra component acceptsclassName
as props for this to work correctly
Attaching styles#
In some instances, you might need to attach specific styles to the component wrapped in the chakra factory
const AutoResizeInput = chakra(AutoResizeInput, {baseStyle: {bg: 'papayawhip',color: 'red.500',},})
You can also use the chakra factory on jsx elements as well.
const Card = chakra('div', {baseStyle: {shadow: 'lg',rounded: 'lg',bg: 'white',},})
Allowing custom props to be forwarded#
By default, the chakra
factory only filters chakra related style props from
getting to the DOM. For more fine-grained control of how and what prop should be
forwarded, pass the shouldForwardProp
Here's a simple example that allows all props (including chakra's style props)
to pass through except the sample
const Div = chakra('div', {shouldForwardProp: (prop) => !['sample'].includes(prop),})
Another example that combines the default shouldForwardProp
from Chakra UI
with custom logic.
import { chakra, shouldForwardProp } from '@fluidtruck/core'const Div = chakra('div', {shouldForwardProp: (prop) => {// don't forward Chakra's propsconst isChakraProp = !shouldForwardProp(prop)if (isChakraProp) return false// else, only forward `sample` propreturn ['sample'].includes(prop)},})
To filter non-HTML attributes, you can leverage @emotion/is-prop-valid package.
import isValidHTMLProp from '@emotion/is-prop-valid'import { chakra, shouldForwardProp } from '@fluidtruck/core'const Div = chakra('div', {shouldForwardProp: (prop) => {// don't forward Chakra's propsconst isChakraProp = !shouldForwardProp(prop)if (isChakraProp) return false// forward valid HTML propsconst isValidProp = isValidHTMLProp(prop)if (isValidProp) return true// else, only forward `sample` propreturn ['sample'].includes(prop)},})