An accessible dropdown menu for the common dropdown menu button design pattern. `TimePicker` uses roving `tabIndex` for focus management.
import { TimePicker } from '@fluidtruck/core'
Usage & Controlled Values#
The default value ranges from 1-24 from the current hour and utlizes the
- The value is to be used for controlled mode:
value?: number
- The initial value is to be used in uncontrolled mode:
defaultValue?: T | (() => T)
- The callback fired when the value changes:
onChange?: (value: T) => void
- The component name (for warnings):
name?: string
is non-optional
function TimePickerPropsUsage() {const [stateOne, setStateOne] = React.useState('14')const apiString = '2021-10-12T02:42:09.998Z'const [stateTwo, setStateTwo] = React.useState(moment().hour(apiString).format('HH'),)const [stateThree, setStateThree] = React.useState(14)const formatHour = (hour) => moment(hour, 'kk').format('H:00')const updateState = (hour) => setStateOne(formatHour(hour))return (<Grid gap={6} templateColumns="repeat(3, .5fr)"><Grid templateRows="repeat(2, 1fr)"><TimePickervalue={stateOne}onChange={(hour) => updateState(hour)}/><chakra.p pt={4}><b>State:</b> {stateOne}</chakra.p></Grid><Grid templateRows="repeat(2, 1fr)"><TimePickervalue={stateTwo}onChange={(hour) => setStateTwo(hour)}/><chakra.p pt={4}><b>State:</b> {stateTwo}</chakra.p></Grid><Grid templateRows="repeat(2, 1fr)"><TimePickervalue={stateThree}onChange={(hour) => setStateThree(hour)}/><chakra.p pt={4}><b>State:</b> {stateThree}</chakra.p></Grid></Grid>)}render(<TimePickerPropsUsage />)
function TimePickerUsage() {const [state, setState] = React.useState()const [otherState, setOtherState] = React.useState()const refOne = React.useRef(null)const refTwo = React.useRef(null)const formatHour = (hour) => moment(hour, 'kk').format('H:00')const updateState = (hour) => setState(formatHour(hour))const updateOtherState = (hour) => setOtherState(formatHour(hour))return (<Box maxWidth="50%"><Stack direction="row"><TimePickerref={refOne}value={state}onChange={(hour) => updateState(hour)}/><Divider orientation="vertical" /><TimePickervalue={otherState}ref={refTwo}onChange={(hour) => updateOtherState(hour)}/></Stack><Stack direction="row"><chakra.p py={4}><b>State:</b> {state}</chakra.p><Divider orientation="vertical" /><chakra.p py={4}><b>OtherState:</b> {otherState}</chakra.p></Stack></Box>)}render(<TimePickerUsage />)
Availability & errors#
To disable unavailable hours, pass the unavailable?: Array<Number>;
Default is an empty array. Must be in 1-24, number format, unavailable={[5]}
- If no defaultValue is set, and the current hour is included in the unavailable hours, it will default to first item in available hours. Otherwise, it will set to current hour.
Accepts isInvalid
to add error styles.
function TimePickerDisabledUsage() {const [state, setDisabledState] = React.useState(moment('2021-02-08 19:30:26.123').format('H'),)const ref = React.useRef(null)const refTwo = React.useRef(null)return (<Grid><GridItem><TimePickerunavailable={[17, 19]}ref={ref}value={state}onChange={(hour) => setDisabledState(hour)}/><chakra.p py={4}><b>State:</b> {state}</chakra.p></GridItem><TimePicker isInvalid value={0} ref={refTwo} /></Grid>)}render(<TimePickerDisabledUsage />)
export interface UseTimePickerProps extends UsePopperProps, FormControlOptions, UseDisclosureProps {/*** If `true`, the first enabled TimePicker item will receive focus and be selected* when the TimePicker opens.** @default true*/autoSelect?: boolean;/*** If `true`, the TimePicker will close when you click outside* the TimePicker list** @default true*/closeOnBlur?: boolean;/*** If `true`, the TimePicker will close when a TimePicker item is* clicked** @default true*/closeOnSelect?: boolean;/*** The defaultValue if no value. Current hour if not disabled, else first available.* @default 'current hour'*/defaultValue?: TimeValueType;/*** Is Disabled boolean* @default 'false'*/isDisabled?: boolean;/*** has error, adds invalid to input*/isInvalid?: boolean;/*** Performance 🚀:* If `true`, the TimePickerItem rendering will be deferred* until the TimePicker is open.*/isLazy?: boolean;name?: string;/*** function gets called whenever the item is clicked*/onChange?: (value: TimeValueType) => void;/*** The placeholder of the TimePicker in controlled mode* @default 'current time'*/placeholder?: string;/*** The `ref` of the input for focus management*/ref: React.Ref<HTMLElement> | React.RefCallback<HTMLElement>;/*** unavailable hours to disable time-picker-item*/unavailable?: Array<Number>;/*** The value of the TimePicker in controlled mode* @default 'current hour'*/value?: TimeValueType;}