
A stepper component is used to indicate progress through a multi-step process.

    View Source@chakra-ui/stepper


The Stepper component is a multipart component. The styling needs to be applied to each part specifically.


The Stepper theming is made up of the following parts:

  • stepper: Maps to the Stepper component
  • step: Maps to the Step component
  • title: Maps to the StepTitle component
  • description: Maps to the StepDescription component
  • indicator: Maps to the StepIndicator component
  • separator: Maps to the StepSeparator component
  • icon: Maps to the StepIcon component
  • number: Maps to the StepNumber component

Customizing a component#

Let's say we want to override the step indicator to use a square instead of a circle. Here's how we'll go about that:

// themes/stepper.ts
const baseStyle = {
// select the indicator part
indicator: {
// change the default border radius to 0
borderRadius: 0,
const stepperTheme = {
const theme = extendTheme({
components: {
Stepper: stepperTheme,

Changing the styles for a specific size#

In addition to the baseStyle, you can also change the styles for a specific size. Let's say we want to change the step title's font size for the lg size.

// themes/stepper.ts
const baseStyle = {
indicator: {
borderRadius: 0,
const sizes = {
lg: {
// select the title part
title: {
// change the font size to lg
fontSize: 'lg',
const stepperTheme = {
const theme = extendTheme({
components: {
Stepper: stepperTheme,

The styling for a stepper component can be overriden at any level, whether it's variant or size, it's completely up to you.

To learn more about styling multipart components, visit the Component Style page.