
An accessible dropdown menu for the common dropdown menu button design pattern. Menu uses roving tabIndex for focus management.

    View SourceView Theme Source@chakra-ui/menu

The Menu component is a multipart component. The styling needs to be applied to each part specifically.

To learn more about styling multipart components, visit the Component Style page.


  • A: button
  • B: list
  • C: item
  • D: groupTitle
  • E: command
  • F: divider

Theming properties#

The properties that affect the theming of the Menu component are:

  • variant: The visual variant of the component. There is no default applied.
  • size: The size of the component. There is no default applied.

Theming utilities#

  • createMultiStyleConfigHelpers: a function that returns a set of utilities for creating style configs for a multipart component (definePartsStyle and defineMultiStyleConfig).
  • definePartsStyle: a function used to create multipart style objects.
  • defineMultiStyleConfig: a function used to define the style configuration for a multipart component.
import { menuAnatomy } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'
import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers, defineStyle } from '@fluidtruck/core'
const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } =

Customizing the default theme#

import { menuAnatomy } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'
import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers, defineStyle } from '@fluidtruck/core'
const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } =
// define the base component styles
const baseStyle = definePartsStyle({
// define the part you're going to style
button: {
// this will style the MenuButton component
fontWeight: 'medium',
bg: 'teal.500',
color: 'gray.200',
_hover: {
bg: 'teal.600',
color: 'white',
list: {
// this will style the MenuList component
py: '4',
borderRadius: 'xl',
border: 'none',
bg: 'teal.500',
item: {
// this will style the MenuItem and MenuItemOption components
color: 'gray.200',
_hover: {
bg: 'teal.600',
_focus: {
bg: 'teal.600',
groupTitle: {
// this will style the text defined by the title prop
// in the MenuGroup and MenuOptionGroup components
textTransform: 'uppercase',
color: 'white',
textAlign: 'center',
letterSpacing: 'wider',
opacity: '0.7',
command: {
// this will style the text defined by the command
// prop in the MenuItem and MenuItemOption components
opacity: '0.8',
fontFamily: 'mono',
fontSize: 'sm',
letterSpacing: 'tighter',
pl: '4',
divider: {
// this will style the MenuDivider component
my: '4',
borderColor: 'white',
borderBottom: '2px dotted',
// export the base styles in the component theme
export const menuTheme = defineMultiStyleConfig({ baseStyle })

After customizing the input theme, we can import it into our theme file and add it in the components property:

import { extendTheme } from '@fluidtruck/core'
import { menuTheme } from './components/Menu'
const theme = extendTheme({
components: {
Menu: menuTheme,
export default theme

This is a crucial step to make sure that any changes we make to the menu theme are applied.

Adding a custom size#

Let's assume we want to include an extra large menu size. Here's how we can do that:

import { menuAnatomy } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'
import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers, defineStyle } from '@fluidtruck/core'
const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } =
// define custom styles
const lg = defineStyle({
fontSize: 'md',
my: '1',
const xl = defineStyle({
fontSize: 'lg',
px: '4',
py: '2',
// define custom sizes
const sizes = {
// apply custom styles to parts
xl: definePartsStyle({ button: xl, item: xl, groupTitle: lg, command: xl }),
// export the sizes in the component theme
export const menuTheme = defineMultiStyleConfig({ sizes })
// now we can use the new `xl` size
<Menu size="xl" ... />

Every time you add anything new to the theme, you need to run the CLI command to get proper autocomplete in your IDE. You can learn more about the CLI tool here.

Adding a custom variant#

Let's assume we want to include some custom variants to create a pill-shaped menu bar. Here's how we can do that:

import { menuAnatomy } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'
import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers, defineStyle } from '@fluidtruck/core'
const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } =
// define custom variants
const variants = {
roundLeft: {
button: {
borderLeftRadius: 'full',
pl: '6',
roundRight: {
button: {
borderRightRadius: 'full',
pr: '6',
// export the custom variants in the component theme
export const menuTheme = defineMultiStyleConfig({ variants })
// now we can use the new `roundLeft` and `roundRight` variants
<Menu variant="roundLeft" ... />
<Menu variant="roundRight" ... />

Changing the default properties#

Let's assume we want to change the default size and variant of every menu in our app. Here's how we can do that:

import { menuAnatomy } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'
import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers, defineStyle } from '@fluidtruck/core'
const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } =
// define which sizes and variants are applied by default
const defaultProps = {
// in this example, we will only set a default size
size: 'xl',
// export the default properties in the component theme
export const menuTheme = defineMultiStyleConfig({ defaultProps })
